Any Oversize Overmass vehicle seeking access across any UGL Regional Linx (UGLRL) maintained bridges or level crossings must receive permission prior to moving the combination. An OSOM (OSOM) vehicle is defined as any combination that does not comply with the mass, dimension or operating requirements set out in a gazette notice.
Processing times
It is not possible to provide a generic timeframe for applications due to the varied nature and complexity of each application. The best way to reduce processing time is to ensure all the required documentation is provided in a clear and concise way at the beginning of the process.
Application requirements
The below documentation is required to progress an OSOM application:
- Axle spacing and weights
- Heavy vehicle configurations
- Class of application
- Route
- Contact details
- Proposed permit dates
- Engineering data
- Vehicle information
- Any other pertinent information/documents in support of the application i.e. NHVR permit for the vehicle/s you intend to use, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) or any other relevant documents that you believe would assist in supporting your application.
Permit Approval
Once approval is provided by UGLRL, the recommendation is issued for the period indicated on the Permit, unless cancelled by UGLRL or surrendered by the Applicant.
This recommendation is not a permit or notice under the Heavy Vehicle National Law. All Applicants must make their own enquiries and comply with the requirements of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and/or road manager, to obtain permits required under the Heavy Vehicle National Law. Further information can be found at the NHVR website at
Applying for a OSOM application
Please review all the above information prior to contacting UGL Regional Linx. When considering this information, please see the UGLRL managed asset list and that Assets being crossed are within the Country Regional Network.
Please click on the following link to complete your OSOM application.
Contact us
For any questions or queries, please email our Heavy Vehicle team: